Building Floorplans Directory

Claremont Quarter Shopping Centre
9 Bay View Terrace, Claremont
Tel:(08) 9286 5888
Fax: (08) 9383 4905
Email: Send email

This list indicates stores that are loaded into the FindNearest retailer database. Unless the shopping centre is a subscriber to the FindNearest service, it is not intended to be complete.

Current Records: Unknown; Estimated Total: Unknown; Complete: 0%

Category sort ascending Shop Nameunsorted Shop Nounsorted Telephone Hide Logos Map Accuracyunsorted
Non-Retail Services
Spacer ATM atmx     atmx  logo 9/10
Household Goods
Spacer Hi Fi JB Hi-Fi MM3 9284 6377 JB Hi-Fi  logo 9/10
Takeaway Food
Spacer Fruit Salad and Juice Boost Juice Bars K11 9286 1779 Boost Juice Bars  logo 9/10
Fresh Food
Spacer Bakery Bakers Delight Market - Tenant B 9284 5830 Bakers Delight  logo 9/10
Spacer Health Food Healthy Life Claremont 142 9384 7620 Healthy Life Claremont logo 9/10
Spacer Women's Footwear Betts T228 0055 1460 Betts  logo 9/10
Major Retailers
Spacer Full Supermarket Coles Supermarket M1 9286 7600 Coles Supermarket  logo 10/10
Spacer Toys and Sports (400m²+) Rebel Sport MM4 6263 7791 Rebel Sport  logo 9/10

Please note that Burnett Innovation, the owners of the FindNearest service, do NOT own or manage any property assets. We have no affiliation with the shopping centres themselves.