Building Floorplans Directory

Grand Plaza Shopping Centre
27-49 Browns Plains Road, Browns Plains
Tel:(07) 3800 7700
Fax: (07) 3800 7661
Email: Send email
Address and Contact Details
Cardeaux - Browns Plains
Shop 9/10
Grand Plaza Shopping Centre
27-49 Browns Plains Road
Browns Plains QLD 4118

Area Manager - Linda Montague

Map of Locations

The following information is a map-based representation of the location address(es). Skip the map and continue to the address(es).

Interactive Location Map 
The numbers on this map represent multiple locations in the same area. Select the number or use '+' to zoom in to see the individual location details. Select the icon for more information. Drag the map to show more locations.

Disclaimer: This list indicates stores that are loaded into the FindNearest retailer database. It is not intended to be complete, unless the shopping centre is a subscriber.

Please note that Burnett Innovation, the owners of the FindNearest service, do NOT own or manage any property assets. We have no affiliation with the shopping centres themselves.